World of the Mon

World of the Mon

In the Mon homeland orchards and rubber plantations are found in the mountainous areas while in the flat lands there are paddy fields and salt fields.  Another big thing for the Mon people is fishing which is the traditional occupation for the Mon people.  In Myanmar the fishermen that fish in the lakes use one leg paddling.  The reason for this way of paddling is because there are many reeds and water plants in the lake, and if they row sitting down in the boat they can’t see them.  Standing on the end of the boat they have a great view and can lead the way better. Also, they have their hands free to collect the net whilst propelling the boat.
(Source: Steppes Travel)
Mon State has a cultivated area of nearly 4.5 million acres (18,000 km²), mostly under rice. The major secondary crop is rubber. Orchards and rubber plantations are found in the mountainous areas while Coastal fishing and related industries such as production of dried fish, fish sauce and agar-agar are in southern part, Ye district. Production of Betel nut is also a sustaining business of Mon state, as the Mon peasants preserved their heredity land onwards along with the government regulations, however, there are some many parts of uncultivated crude land in the area closed to neighbour Karen state